_count | boolean Include a count of the total result set and the number of pages.Only works for responses that return a page. |
_expand | boolean Allow to expand relations. |
_expandScope | string Comma separated list of named relations to expand. |
_fields | string Comma-separated list of fields to display |
_format | string Enum: "json" "csv" "geojson" Select the export format |
_pageSize | integer Number of results to return per page. |
_sort | string Which field to use when ordering the results. |
aantal | number Schatting van het aantal geparkeerde voertuigen dat in deze geometrie zou passen |
aantal[gt] | number Greater than; number |
aantal[gte] | number Greater than or equal to; number |
aantal[in] | Array of numbers Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
aantal[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
aantal[lt] | number Less than; number |
aantal[lte] | number Less than or equal to; number |
aantal[not] | Array of numbers Exclude matches; number |
buurtcode | string Code voor een Amsterdamse buurt waarin de parkeerplaats zich bevindt |
buurtcode[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
buurtcode[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
buurtcode[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
buurtcode[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
buurtcode[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
eType | string Type parkeervak |
eType[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
eType[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
eType[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
eType[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
eType[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
geometry | string GeoJSON | GEOMETRY(...) |
geometry[contains] | string Use x,y or POINT(x y) |
geometry[intersects] | string Use WKT (POLYGON((x1 y1, x2 y2, ...))) or GeoJSON |
geometry[isnull] | string Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
geometry[not] | string GeoJSON | GEOMETRY(...) |
id | string Exact; text |
id[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
id[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
id[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
id[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
id[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
page | integer A page number within the paginated result set. |
regimes.aantal | number Schatting van het aantal geparkeerde voertuigen dat in deze geometrie zou passen |
regimes.aantal[gt] | number Greater than; number |
regimes.aantal[gte] | number Greater than or equal to; number |
regimes.aantal[in] | Array of numbers Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.aantal[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.aantal[lt] | number Less than; number |
regimes.aantal[lte] | number Less than or equal to; number |
regimes.aantal[not] | Array of numbers Exclude matches; number |
regimes.beginTijd | string <time> Begin van venstertijd of TVM |
regimes.beginTijd[gt] | string <time> Greater than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[gte] | string <time> Greater than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[in] | Array of strings <time> Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.beginTijd[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.beginTijd[lt] | string <time> Less than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[lte] | string <time> Less than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[not] | Array of strings <time> Exclude matches; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.bord | string Toelichting bij type parkeervak |
regimes.bord[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.bord[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.bord[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.bord[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.bord[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.dagen | Array of strings Reeks weekdagen waarop een venstertijd van toepassing is |
regimes.dagen[contains] | Array of strings Matches values from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eType | string Type parkeervak |
regimes.eTypeDescription | string Omschrijving van het type parkeervak |
regimes.eTypeDescription[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eTypeDescription[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.eTypeDescription[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.eTypeDescription[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.eTypeDescription[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.eType[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eType[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.eType[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.eType[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.eType[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.eindTijd | string <time> Eind van venstertijd of TVM |
regimes.eindTijd[gt] | string <time> Greater than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[gte] | string <time> Greater than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[in] | Array of strings <time> Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eindTijd[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.eindTijd[lt] | string <time> Less than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[lte] | string <time> Less than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[not] | Array of strings <time> Exclude matches; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.kenteken | string Indien het een gehandicaptenparkeerplaats betreft: het kenteken van het voertuig dat bestemd is voor dit parkeervak |
regimes.kenteken[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.kenteken[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.kenteken[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.kenteken[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.kenteken[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.opmerking | string Toelichting bij venstertijd of TVM |
regimes.opmerking[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.opmerking[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.opmerking[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.opmerking[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.opmerking[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.soort | string Geeft aan of het een fiscaal, niet-fiscaal of mulder parkeerplaats betreft |
regimes.soort[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.soort[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.soort[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.soort[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.soort[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.typeUitzondering | string Type van de uitzondering die van toepassing is op het parkeervak: TVM of Venstertijden |
regimes.typeUitzondering[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.typeUitzondering[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.typeUitzondering[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.typeUitzondering[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.typeUitzondering[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
soort | string Geeft aan of het een fiscaal, niet-fiscaal of mulder parkeerplaats betreft |
soort[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
soort[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
soort[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
soort[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
soort[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
straatnaam | string Naam van de straat waarlangs de parkeerplaats zich bevindt |
straatnaam[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
straatnaam[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
straatnaam[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
straatnaam[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
straatnaam[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
type | string Indicator hoe de vakken zijn geplaatst: langs de weg, haaks of in vissengraat |
type[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
type[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
type[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
type[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
type[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
versiedatum | string <date> Datum vanaf wanneer de dataset geldig is |
versiedatum[gt] | string <date> Greater than; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[gte] | string <date> Greater than or equal to; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[in] | Array of strings <date> Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
versiedatum[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
versiedatum[lt] | string <date> Less than; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[lte] | string <date> Less than or equal to; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[not] | Array of strings <date> Exclude matches; use yyyy-mm-dd |
Accept-Crs | string Accept-Crs header for Geo queries |
Content-Crs | string Content-Crs header for Geo queries |
X-Api-Key | string Api Key for statistical purposes, not for authentication |
{- "page": {
- "number": 3,
- "size": 20,
- "totalElements": 5,
- "totalPages": 3
}, - "_links": {
}, - "_embedded": {
- "parkeervakken": [
- {
- "_links": {
}, - "id": "string",
- "buurtcode": "string",
- "straatnaam": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "soort": "string",
- "eType": "string",
- "aantal": 0,
- "versiedatum": "2019-08-24",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
], - 0
}, - "regimes": [
- {
- "soort": "string",
- "eType": "string",
- "eTypeDescription": "string",
- "aantal": 0,
- "bord": "string",
- "kenteken": "string",
- "beginTijd": "14:15:22Z",
- "eindTijd": "14:15:22Z",
- "beginDatum": "2019-08-24",
- "eindDatum": "2019-08-24",
- "dagen": [
- "string"
], - "opmerking": "string",
- "typeUitzondering": "string"
id required | string^[^/]+$ |
_expand | boolean Allow to expand relations. |
_expandScope | string Comma separated list of named relations to expand. |
_fields | string Comma-separated list of fields to display |
_format | string Enum: "json" "csv" "geojson" Select the export format |
_sort | string Which field to use when ordering the results. |
aantal | number Schatting van het aantal geparkeerde voertuigen dat in deze geometrie zou passen |
aantal[gt] | number Greater than; number |
aantal[gte] | number Greater than or equal to; number |
aantal[in] | Array of numbers Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
aantal[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
aantal[lt] | number Less than; number |
aantal[lte] | number Less than or equal to; number |
aantal[not] | Array of numbers Exclude matches; number |
buurtcode | string Code voor een Amsterdamse buurt waarin de parkeerplaats zich bevindt |
buurtcode[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
buurtcode[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
buurtcode[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
buurtcode[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
buurtcode[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
eType | string Type parkeervak |
eType[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
eType[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
eType[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
eType[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
eType[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
geometry | string GeoJSON | GEOMETRY(...) |
geometry[contains] | string Use x,y or POINT(x y) |
geometry[intersects] | string Use WKT (POLYGON((x1 y1, x2 y2, ...))) or GeoJSON |
geometry[isnull] | string Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
geometry[not] | string GeoJSON | GEOMETRY(...) |
id | string Exact; text |
id[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
id[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
id[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
id[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
id[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.aantal | number Schatting van het aantal geparkeerde voertuigen dat in deze geometrie zou passen |
regimes.aantal[gt] | number Greater than; number |
regimes.aantal[gte] | number Greater than or equal to; number |
regimes.aantal[in] | Array of numbers Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.aantal[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.aantal[lt] | number Less than; number |
regimes.aantal[lte] | number Less than or equal to; number |
regimes.aantal[not] | Array of numbers Exclude matches; number |
regimes.beginTijd | string <time> Begin van venstertijd of TVM |
regimes.beginTijd[gt] | string <time> Greater than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[gte] | string <time> Greater than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[in] | Array of strings <time> Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.beginTijd[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.beginTijd[lt] | string <time> Less than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[lte] | string <time> Less than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.beginTijd[not] | Array of strings <time> Exclude matches; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.bord | string Toelichting bij type parkeervak |
regimes.bord[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.bord[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.bord[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.bord[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.bord[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.dagen | Array of strings Reeks weekdagen waarop een venstertijd van toepassing is |
regimes.dagen[contains] | Array of strings Matches values from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eType | string Type parkeervak |
regimes.eTypeDescription | string Omschrijving van het type parkeervak |
regimes.eTypeDescription[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eTypeDescription[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.eTypeDescription[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.eTypeDescription[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.eTypeDescription[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.eType[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eType[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.eType[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.eType[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.eType[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.eindTijd | string <time> Eind van venstertijd of TVM |
regimes.eindTijd[gt] | string <time> Greater than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[gte] | string <time> Greater than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[in] | Array of strings <time> Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.eindTijd[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.eindTijd[lt] | string <time> Less than; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[lte] | string <time> Less than or equal to; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.eindTijd[not] | Array of strings <time> Exclude matches; use hh:mm[:ss[.ms]] |
regimes.kenteken | string Indien het een gehandicaptenparkeerplaats betreft: het kenteken van het voertuig dat bestemd is voor dit parkeervak |
regimes.kenteken[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.kenteken[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.kenteken[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.kenteken[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.kenteken[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.opmerking | string Toelichting bij venstertijd of TVM |
regimes.opmerking[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.opmerking[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.opmerking[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.opmerking[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.opmerking[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.soort | string Geeft aan of het een fiscaal, niet-fiscaal of mulder parkeerplaats betreft |
regimes.soort[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.soort[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.soort[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.soort[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.soort[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
regimes.typeUitzondering | string Type van de uitzondering die van toepassing is op het parkeervak: TVM of Venstertijden |
regimes.typeUitzondering[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
regimes.typeUitzondering[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
regimes.typeUitzondering[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
regimes.typeUitzondering[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
regimes.typeUitzondering[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
soort | string Geeft aan of het een fiscaal, niet-fiscaal of mulder parkeerplaats betreft |
soort[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
soort[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
soort[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
soort[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
soort[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
straatnaam | string Naam van de straat waarlangs de parkeerplaats zich bevindt |
straatnaam[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
straatnaam[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
straatnaam[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
straatnaam[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
straatnaam[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
type | string Indicator hoe de vakken zijn geplaatst: langs de weg, haaks of in vissengraat |
type[in] | Array of strings Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
type[isempty] | boolean Whether the field is empty or not. |
type[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
type[like] | string Matches text using wildcards (? and *). |
type[not] | Array of strings Exclude matches; text |
versiedatum | string <date> Datum vanaf wanneer de dataset geldig is |
versiedatum[gt] | string <date> Greater than; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[gte] | string <date> Greater than or equal to; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[in] | Array of strings <date> Matches any value from a comma-separated list: val1,val2,valN. |
versiedatum[isnull] | boolean Whether the field has a NULL value or not. |
versiedatum[lt] | string <date> Less than; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[lte] | string <date> Less than or equal to; use yyyy-mm-dd |
versiedatum[not] | Array of strings <date> Exclude matches; use yyyy-mm-dd |
Accept-Crs | string Accept-Crs header for Geo queries |
Content-Crs | string Content-Crs header for Geo queries |
X-Api-Key | string Api Key for statistical purposes, not for authentication |
{- "_links": {
}, - "id": "string",
- "buurtcode": "string",
- "straatnaam": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "soort": "string",
- "eType": "string",
- "aantal": 0,
- "versiedatum": "2019-08-24",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
], - 0
}, - "regimes": [
- {
- "soort": "string",
- "eType": "string",
- "eTypeDescription": "string",
- "aantal": 0,
- "bord": "string",
- "kenteken": "string",
- "beginTijd": "14:15:22Z",
- "eindTijd": "14:15:22Z",
- "beginDatum": "2019-08-24",
- "eindDatum": "2019-08-24",
- "dagen": [
- "string"
], - "opmerking": "string",
- "typeUitzondering": "string"